The second Forest Voices Tour took place in December 2015.

We are currently raising money to complete the editing of the video footage of this tour.
More info at

During February and March 2014 we organised the pilot Forest Voices Tour. Baka musicians, Orchéstre Baka Gbiné were taken to 5 Baka communities around the Dja Reserve.

The tour had an impact far greater than we could have imagined. The only criticism was that we didn’t go to enough communities.

We remedied this with a bigger, better Forest Voices Tour in December 2015.

Since the Baka musicians live hundreds of kilometres from the nearest tarmac road, transport and logistics are a challenge.

With the full support of OKANI, the only Baka run NGO in Cameroon, we raised funds to pay for the logistics, equipment and technical expertise needed to make the tour a success.

The Forest Voices Tours have shown many Baka that they are not alone with their problems and gave them the chance to let their voices be heard.

Help us finance future tours and reach many more Baka communities.